AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library

Lateral Lunge

Exercise Library > Lateral Lunge

How To Do Lateral Lunges

Lateral lunges are a lunge variation that involves a sideways step, instead of a forward or backward step, as in the case of forward or reverse lunges.

Lateral lunges are a great way to challenge single leg strength and balance recovery. Functionally, lateral lunges can help a person train the muscles required to walk, squat, and recover balance following a loss of balance out to the side.

Here are three options to get you started with Lateral Lunges.

Level 1:

Lateral Step

Level 2:

Mini Lateral Lunge

Level 3:

Full Lateral Lunge

Level 1

Lateral Step

From a standing position, take a small step to the side with one leg, ensuring a smooth transition of weight onto that side. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Level 2

Mini Lateral Lunge

From a standing position, take a slightly bigger step out to the side, ensuring a smooth transition of weight onto that side. Slowly lower your weight down into a lunge or squat, then return to the starting position.

Level 3

Full Lateral Lunge

From a standing position, take a big step out to the side and lower yourself into a lunge. Then push yourself back up and to the starting position.

🟢 What You Should Feel:

Muscles working in your legs (glutes, adductors, quads) and core; stretch to the inner thigh (adductors) of stretched leg.

🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:

Pain in the feet, ankles, knees, hips, or back; imbalance.

📶 Progression Criteria:

Progress to the next level or add resistance when you can complete 20 reps without pain or fatigue.

More Variations & Progressions

Having trouble keeping your balance while stepping to the side? Practice stepping over a line or object on the floor.

Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.

Grab a dumbbell or two for an added challenge.

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